There’s no doubt about it, studying for and taking exams is a stressful business. Whether you’re trying to ace the test or are just happy to get a passing grade, take some of the stress out of your preparations and help ease your way into exam success by using these powerful positive affirmations for exam success.
Instead of just trying to cram all of the information into your brain before your exams, start training your brain to help you! Once you’ve got your brain working for you and believing that your exam success is inevitable, then you can relax into your study and revision schedule.
Simply choose a few of the exam success affirmations below and start using them regularly. For best results repeat your chosen affirmations about 10-15 times (like a mantra), at least twice a day. You can choose the best way for you to practice, the most common ways are to:
- Say them out loud
- Say them in your head
- Write them out over and over
- Record them and listen to them repeatedly, or, if you’re a very visual learner, you might like to:
- Write or print them out and place them in prominent places around your home/dorm or study space.
There’s no real right or wrong way to use them, you just need to be consistent and get into the mindset where you can truly believe that what you are saying is true. That way your brain will start to believe it must be true and will take the necessary steps to make it happen for you.
I’ve broken the below affirmations down into two categories, the first is just for general affirmations to guarantee success in your exams and the second group is a list of positive affirmations you might like to use just before an exam to keep you calm and focused.
Choose your exam affirmations now and start practicing!
Affirmations For Exam Success
- I believe in myself.
- I am a genius.
- I am intelligent, capable and competent.
- It is normal for me to pass my exams.
- I am capable of achieving my goals.
- I am organized and manage my time well.
- I am always relaxed during exams.
- Taking exams is easy for me.
- I am capable of acing my exams.
- I am determined to pass my exams.
- I am determined to ace my exam.
- I will pass.
- I am excited to take my exam and pass with flying colors.
- I have a great memory.
- It is normal for me to get good grades.
- I always do well in exams.
- I love doing well in my exams.
- I am capable of achieving the highest score possible.
- I will get 100% on my exam.
- I am going to ace my exam.
- I am taking the time to do the work so I can ace my exam.
- Acing exams comes naturally to me.
- I am the best of the best and will top the class in this exam.
- I am proud of my abilities.
- I am smart.
- I am capable.
- I always do my best.
- I am an achiever.
- I am proud of my achievements.
- I love how easy it is for me to get good grades.
- I enjoy taking exams.
- I am amazed at how clever I am.
- I effortlessly pass my exams.
- My success is guaranteed.
- Getting good grades comes naturally to me.
- Passing exams comes naturally to me.
- I always find exams easy to do.
- I always get the results I want.
- I am confident in my abilities.
- I am great at using my study time well.
- I am an efficient learner.
- I have an excellent memory.
- I am able to recall information quickly and accurately.
- I always pass exams.
- I always do really well on exams.
- I am excellent at taking exams.
- Passing exams is easy for me.
- I am confident in my ability to pass my exams.
- I have prepared well for my exams.
- I am an excellent student.
- I love how my exam results are always so good.
- Studying for exams is easy for me.
- I am a natural at taking exams.
- I am clever.
- I am determined to succeed.
- I am determined to achieve exam success.
- Passing exams is easy for me.
- I am good at staying focused while studying for exams.
- I am focused on passing my exams.
- I am doing everything in my power to ace my exams.
- I am doing everything in my power to pass my exam.
- I am always amazed at the power of my memory.
- I choose to recall information with ease.
- I am successful in everything I do.
- Recalling information is easy for me.
- I choose to ace my exam.
- I choose to pass my exam.
- I am excited to do well in my exams.
- It is easy for me to remember.
- I am destined to pass my exams.
- I am destined to do well in my exams.
- I have what it takes to pass my exams.
- I am naturally good at memorizing.
- I am a magnet for good grades.
- Every day, in every way, I am getting better and better.
- I love how everything always works out for me.
- I love how quickly I absorb and process new information.
- I have a sharp mind.
- I love feeling well prepared for an exam.
- It is easy for me to recall information.
- I love taking exams.
- I am great at taking exams.
- I love the mental challenge of an exam.
- I always perform well under the pressure of an exam.
- I am expecting to pass my exam easily.
- I believe in my academic prowess.
- I always win at tests.
- I always pass my exams with good grades.
Affirmations For Before An Exam
- I am calm.
- I am focused.
- I am confident.
- I am talented.
- I have prepared for this.
- I know everything I need to know.
- Taking exams is easy for me.
- I am ready for the exam.
- Bring it on.
- I can do this.
- I can do hard things.
- I am capable.
- I am knowledgeable.
- I know all the answers.
- I will effortlessly pass this exam.
- I have put in the work, therefore I will pass.
- I am prepared.
- I have studied hard, therefore I will do well.
- I am confident that I have all the answers.
- I am confident that I have prepared well for my exam.
- I choose to think clearly in my exam.
- I choose to remain calm and answer correctly in my exam.
- I know everything I need to know for this exam.
- I have all the knowledge I need to pass this exam.
- This exam will be easy for me.
- I trust that I know enough.
- I know all the answers.
- I am happy that the exam is nearly over.
- I am a magnet for all the right answers.
- I have what it takes to pass this exam.
- I am ready to ace my exam.
- I am calm and ready for my exam.
- I am ready – whatever will be will be.
- I will pass.
- I trust that I have the knowledge and will recall it in my exam.
- I have the skills and the knowledge that I need to pass this exam.
- I know this material.
- I have done my best to study for this exam, so I am well prepared.
- I will pass this test.
- I will pass this exam.
- I will achieve high marks on this exam.
- I am calm, I am intelligent, I will pass.
- I am ready to take the test – one question at a time.
- I am well prepared for the test.
- I believe I will pass.
If you’ve still got some time in your revision schedule, you might also want to check out these positive affirmations for studying to help make your revision process even easier.
Taking a test or exam is always nerve wracking, no matter what age you are, but try to see it as just the next hurdle in your journey, and take it one question at a time.
We wish you luck in your upcoming exams, but, if you’ve done your revision and diligently practiced your exam affirmations, you won’t need it, your success is guaranteed!