Wish you were taller? As a tall person myself, I can honestly say that it’s nice to be tall – I can reach things on high shelves, see over the top of a crowd and be an unstoppable force on the basketball court!
Of course there are some drawbacks to taller than average height, like trying to get trousers long enough and trying to squeeze into an airplane seat! But, in my mind at least, I think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. And I think most people agree as ‘height affirmations’ is one of our most popular requests!
Can Affirmations Increase Your Height?
We all know by now that positive affirmations are very powerful and can help you to make big changes in your life, but can they actually physically change your body and make you taller? To be honest, I don’t have a definite answer. I’m not sure if any scientific studies have actually been done on this potential to change your body.
I do, however, have some anecdotal ‘evidence’ that suggests you can control your height, or at least, your thoughts can have an impact on your height. Let’s start with my wife.
She stands at just under 6 feet tall – pretty tall for a woman, right? You’re probably thinking that she comes from a tall family but no, she towers over her mother, is slightly taller than her father, and significantly taller than both her sisters.
So where did this great height come from? From a young age, she was always one of the tallest in her class and decided early in life that she’d like to be 6 feet tall. She didn’t quite make it, but almost!
She didn’t know about positive affirmations then, she just actively wanted to be taller right through her childhood and teenage years, especially once she took up basketball as a sport!

Many years later our daughter, who genetically was destined to be tall due to having two tall parents, decided she did not want to be as tall as her early measurements predicted. You know the trick where you double the child’s height when they are 2 years old?
According to that ‘test’ our daughter was destined to be about 6’1”. While she enjoyed playing basketball in her early teenage years, she really wanted to be a stage performer, more specifically to do character performances.
There are many height restrictions on the costumes required to play certain characters and our daughter quickly decided she did not want to be over 6 feet tall.
Again, she did not specifically ‘practice’ using affirmations to achieve this, but she clearly stated, many times, to all who would listen, that she did not want to grow any taller than she already was.
She is almost 19 now, so should have finished growing, and seems to be ‘stuck’ at the height she was at (around 5’8”) when she started clearly stating that she did not want to get any taller. So it seems as though she has successfully knocked off a few inches from her earlier predicted height!
How To Use Positive Affirmations To Increase Your Height

But you’re not here for my family stories! You want to know how to increase your height using positive affirmations, right?
Simply choose a few of the following height increasing affirmations – choose ones that resonate with you and how you are feeling, or how you would like to be feeling.
Use your chosen height affirmations at least twice a day by repeating each affirmation over and over again, like a mantra, 10-15 times (or more).
You can choose to:
- Say each affirmation out loud (standing in front of a mirror can be helpful to give you a visual impact on what you are saying as well),
- ‘Say’ them in your head,
- Write them out over and over (like writing ‘lines’ at school) or
- Make a recording of your voice saying each affirmation and listen to it over and over again.
Choose whichever method works best for you and fits into your lifestyle and schedule – personally I’m a fan of quietly ‘saying’ my affirmations in my head each night while lying in bed before I fall asleep.
Everyone learns differently though, so whichever technique works best for you is the one you should choose. You could even use a combination of the different techniques if you think that will work for you.
Remember, you’re trying to make changes in your neural pathways so repetition and consistency is the key to making a difference.
Given that, in this instance, you’re trying to make physical changes to your body, there are a couple of other things to consider.
Genetics is the biggest predictor of height – there may be a limit as to just how tall you are genetically able to grow. Using these height affirmations will at least ensure that you reach the highest height genetically available to you.
Also as humans, our physical growth happens in our childhood and teenage years. For these affirmations to have the most chance of success, it’s best if you’re still in a growth phase of your life.
While anyone can use these height affirmations, the best results will undoubtedly be seen by teenage users.
Affirmations For Height Increase
- I am tall.

- I am ready to increase my height.
- I am grateful that my height is increasing.
- I am growing taller each day.
- I accept and love my body.
- I am in the process of growing taller.
- Every day I am getting taller and taller.
- I am naturally tall.
- I was born to be tall.
- I love how my height increases every day.
- Inch by inch, I am growing taller.
- I love how tall I am.
- I am destined to be tall.

- I am confident in my ability to grow taller.
- Increasing my height is easy for me.
- I am doing everything within my power to grow taller.
- I stand at a great height with perfect posture.
- I am willing to do whatever it takes to increase my height.
- I am determined to grow taller.
- Growing tall comes naturally to me.
- I am vertically blessed.
- My height is a blessing to me.
- I love how tall I am.

- I enjoy being tall.
- Each body part is growing longer to make me taller.
- I notice that my height is increasing.
- I love how much my height is increasing.
- I am in the process of allowing my body to grow taller.
- I am allowing my body to grow.
- I am allowing my body to grow taller.
- Growing taller is easy for me.
- It is normal for me to be the tallest person in the room.
- It is normal for me to be tall.
- I am doing everything I can to increase my height.
- I always maintain good posture to make me appear taller.
- I stand tall.
- It is easy for me to reach high things.

- I feel taller when I stretch more.
- I am always careful about maintaining good posture.
- I see an increase every time I measure my height.
- My height is increasing day by day.
- Every cell in my body is growing.
- I maintain a healthy lifestyle to help myself grow taller.
- I am aware of my height increasing day by day.
- I have the power to help my body grow taller.
- I am manifesting my perfect height.

- I am manifesting my ideal height.
- I allow my body to reach my ideal height.
- I am encouraging my body to grow taller.
- I have perfect posture.
- I am proud of my posture.
- I am proud to be tall.
- I enjoy being tall.
- Being tall comes naturally to me.
- I am genetically destined to be tall.
- It is in my destiny to be tall.
- I am destined to be tall.
- I am growing taller by the day.

- I enjoy the feeling of my body growing taller.
- I love seeing how tall I am becoming.
- I am becoming taller.
- Increasing my height comes naturally to me.
- It is easy for me to grow taller.
- It is easy for me to increase my height.
- Being tall makes me feel proud.
- I am blessed to be tall.
- I am grateful for my height.

- I am walking tall with confidence.
- I feel taller.
- I am relaxed and I feel taller.
- I know that my body will grow taller.
- I love knowing that I am going to be tall.
- I love knowing that there is always potential for me to grow.
- I am releasing all tension from my body so that I can stand tall.
- I am going to grow even taller.
- I am continuing to grow taller.
- I am continuing to grow.
- I am amazed at my body’s ability to grow.
- I am proud of my height and the things that my body can do.
- I love the idea of being tall.

- I am excited about reaching my ideal height.
- I am proud of my long legs.
- It is possible for me to grow taller.
- I know that I can grow taller.
- I know that it is possible for me to grow taller.
- I have faith in my body’s ability to grow.
- I am happy to see my height increasing each day.
- I am determined to be tall.
- I am determined to increase my height.

- Everything about me is tall and long.
- I naturally have long limbs and a tall frame.
- I am increasing my height each day.
- Growing taller is easy and natural for me.
- I always walk tall with confidence.
- I will increase my height.
- I will correct my posture and increase my height.
- I grow taller each day.
- My body is effortlessly lengthening.
- I am effortlessly increasing my height.
- It is easy for me to increase my height.
- I am effortlessly growing taller each day.

- My mind and body are working together to increase my height.
- I naturally maintain a healthy posture at all times.
- I will increase my height and grow taller each day.
- My height is beginning to increase.
- My height is naturally increasing.
- I am confident in my appearance and I love my tall height.
- I am confident in my appearance and I love how tall I am.
- I am noticing a significant difference in my height.
- I am excited to see how much taller I can grow.

- I am empowered by my tall height.
- I wake up every day with a noticeably taller body.
- I am rapidly growing taller.
- I am happy to grow to my full capacity.
- I am excited to see how tall I can get.
- Increasing my height is easy and natural for me.
- Growing taller is a natural part of who I am.
- I love watching my body grow taller.
- Being tall feels normal to me.
- I enjoy having long legs.
- I am growing taller.
- I am still growing.
- I love the idea of growing taller.
- Being tall is a natural part of who I am.
- I am ready to be tall.

There are so many positive affirmations you can use to increase your height or become taller, the fun part, now, is for you to choose a few from the above list and start working with them.
Remember to choose affirmations that resonate with you and how you are feeling, or would like to be feeling. So, it’s OK to use the affirmation “I am tall” (even if you’re not as tall, yet, as you’re aiming to be), as long as it feels ‘right’ to you and you can really believe it.
If saying ‘I am tall’ and believing it enough to make your brain think it is true is too hard for you at this point in time, then you’d be better to start with affirmations such as “I am growing taller”, or “I am ready to grow taller”, as these are statements that your brain will have less trouble believing in.
You can always adapt and change your chosen affirmations as you achieve your goals, so don’t panic too much about choosing the perfect affirmations straight up – just choose a few that feel right for you now and get started – your new (tall) height awaits you!
Oh, and if you’re wanting to increase your height because you’re a basketball player, you might be interested in these positive affirmations for basketball players too!