Affirmations For Finding Lost Things

affirmations for finding lost things

There’s something really frustrating about losing or misplacing things. When you know you just had it recently but now can’t find it anywhere – it must be somewhere? It’s OK to ask the universe for help in finding your lost items.

Sometimes, with the help of some affirmations for finding lost things, a small change in your brain will help you remember where to look or simply open your eyes and mind up to the possibilities of where you might find your missing items.

Whether it’s your wallet, your passport or an important piece of jewelry that you’ve misplaced, these affirmations for finding lost things will help you find just what you’re looking for.

Choose the affirmation that best resonates with your needs or situation right now and get your mind in the right space to help you find all of your missing items.

If you’re not sure how affirmations work or how to use them, click here for more info, otherwise, pick the affirmation/s that you need and get started today.

Best Affirmations For Finding Lost Things

I will find my lost item soon
  • I will find my lost item soon.
  • I am patient, my lost item will reappear soon.
  • I will find my ____________ soon.
  • I enjoy knowing that my ____________ will be found again soon.
  • I love that I am able to imagine finding my ____________ so I know I will have it again soon.
  • I am in the process of finding my _____________.
  • It is easy for me to find anything I need.
Easy find anything
  • It is easy for me to find my ____________.
  • I love how it feels knowing that I will have my __________ again soon.
  • That which is mine will come back to me.
  • I am always thankful that the universe helps me to find my things.
  • I am grateful that my things always turn up when I need them most.
  • I am able to find my things with ease.
  • I am able to find my ________ with ease.
  • Finding my ________ comes easily to me.
  • I am calm.
  • I have found it!
I have found it affirmation
  • I have found my ________.
  • I am so pleased that I have found my _________.
  • I am happy that my ________ was easy to find.
  • My _________ is not lost, it is with me.
  • I am so grateful to have my _________ back!
  • I love how I feel having my __________ with me again.
  • Knowing where all of my things are comes naturally to me.
  • It is easy for me to stay organized.
  • I am good at finding things.
I am good at finding things affirmation
  • I am able to solve problems.
  • I am going to find my ________.
  • I allow the universe to help me find my ________.
  • I allow my __________ to be found.
  • I am great at finding lost things.
  • I always know where all of my belongings are.
  • I effortlessly attract everything that I need.
  • I am grateful because I always have what I need to live my life.
  • I am worthy of finding everything I need.
  • I am in the process of accepting my abilities to find my lost things.
  • I am capable of finding whatever I need.
Capable finding
  • I am capable of finding my ________.
  • I feel so happy knowing that my _______ has returned to me.
  • I am in the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing.
  • I have the power to create change.
  • I know what I want.
  • I am ready to  find my _________.
  • I am thankful I have found my ____________.
  • I will persevere.
  • I am happy and content with my life and grateful for all the things that I have.
  • I have been given endless talents which I shall use today to find my ________.
  • I deserve to find my ________.
  • I trust myself to find my ________.
  • I am confident I will find my ___________.
  • I am confident I will find my missing items.
Confident find
  • I have the power to accomplish everything I need to do today.
  • I choose to find my missing items.
  • I choose to find my __________.
  • I am happy knowing that my lost items will return to me.
  • It is so easy and simple for me to find everything I am looking for.
  • I am at peace with myself, everything is going smoothly in my life.
  • I enjoy patience and the knowledge that my missing items will return.
  • I am brave enough to ask for help.
  • I attract goodness – my things will be returned.
  • I choose peace in this situation.
  • I appreciate everything I have and know that my _______ will turn up soon.
  • I have many talents, finding things is one of them.
  • I am talented at finding things.
Talented at finding things
  • I am skilled at finding things.
  • I always know just where to look.
  • I am good at finding things.
  • I am capable of finding things.
  • I am in the process of learning how to find things easily.
  • I am confident that I will find my things.
  • I am confident that I will find my _________.
  • I choose to accept that my _________ will turn up soon.
  • I choose to accept that my __________ will be found soon.
  • I attract everything I need – my lost items will turn up soon.
  • I trust myself to make the best decision for me.
  • I trust in my own ability to locate my missing items.
  • I trust in my ability to find my lost things.
Trust ability
  • I trust in my ability to find my _________.
  • I am safe and sound. All is well.
  • I am open and ready to attract my lost things back into my life.
  • I naturally attract my possessions into my life.
  • I am a __________magnet.
  • I always attract the best people to help me find what I need.
  • I find things effortlessly.
  • The universe wants me to have my ___________.
  • I am perfectly programmed to find everything I need.
  • I am perfectly programmed to find my ___________.
  • I know my _________ will turn up soon.
  • I always have everything I need and much more.
  • It is normal for me to find lost things quickly.
Normal to find
  • It is normal for me to find missing objects easily.
  • I naturally attract my missing objects.
  • It is easy for me to find lost things.
  • I radiate positivity and I’m positive I will find my __________.
  • Finding everything I need comes easily to me.
  • I seek, therefore I find.
Seek therefore find

You’ll notice that some of the above affirmations are in the present tense and some are in the past tense. Some people find it is useful to use an affirmation that declares you have already found your missing items.

This allows you to feel how you would feel if and when you have found the item, which can be a powerful way to manifest it into reality. Imaging or visualizing yourself actually finding and/or holding/using the item is a good technique to use too.

Other people prefer to affirm in the present tense that they will find whatever it is they are looking for.

There is no real right or wrong here, just use the affirmations that resonate best with you and your situation, and remember to be consistent in your practice until you have achieved the goal of finding your lost things.

You can use positive affirmations to help in just about any area of your life and finding lost things is no exception. You’ll be amazed at just how effective affirmations can be, it’s almost like casting a magical spell to make your life turn out just the way you want it to.

Good luck, we just know that you’ll find whatever it is you are searching for soon!


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